martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Models and Singers

            I  see modles and singers everywhere I go, and it caught my attention. However, I realize both fields needs a lot of effort, so models and singers have to be aware of their target for showing up on paredes and concerts.
            First of all, singers always like to have nice and attractive voice for becoming famous. For exaple, many singers like Tarha TURUMAN  state that she has to practice her voice twice a day. On the contrary, models have to be in shape  and obviously  to be tall; therefore, companies take them for making nice advertiments and photos, and both activities give a lot of opportunities  for them. For instance, not only modles but also singers have to travel alot for developing their jobs. In effect, as I mentioned these two ocupations requiere their own skill in order to reach their goals.

           However, both fields needes differents things  so models and singers are alike because   they  both  have something in common.

           While being singers is not kind of fun, they must come up with  someting new, as models. What people desire form each professions are the improment no matter if it is so few.For example, singers leran how toplay the some musical instruments, but models think over their feeding; otherwise, models would become fat. Also, singers and models have to put up with their schedule becasue sometimes they both have to woke up in the morning or very early. In effect, both field needs alot of effort but they have they have to be patient with themselves and the enviroment too because noways singers and models are making challenge for getting their rewards.

           Finally,singers and models should be able to follow these steps for being someone know in famous world. I always consider these activities demand  alot of time in order to develop their hidden skills.


4 comentarios:

  1. Hello to everybody let me say that I can not ad your blogs I could not come up with somenything in order to sent my coment to all my nice classmates please help me:(

  2. Hello jessi
    i tHiNk THAT models and singers have to sacrife a lot of things as you said, models have to be in shape;however, singer have to take care of their voice. but in the end this is their jobs and they have to do it well.

  3. hi Jessica!
    I think people is what they like to be so if they want to be singer or they want to be models is their decition, every job demands a lot of effort so we have to work hard...^nice job! ^^

  4. Hi Jessica
    your job is conpletely because you show the advantages and disadvantages that it has
